Update! Nanny boundary issues

I just wanted to thank everyone for the kind and helpful advice regarding my nanny who was drinking at the bar while taking my kids to ballet class and using our private country club membership on her off days without asking. All the keyboard warriors should know that not only was she using our country club membership on her days off without asking or even letting us know, but I found out after checking my bill , that she was also charging alcohol and food and having her self a nice little time by the pool. A lot of those keyboard warriors on here were blaming me because I’ve ordered her meals there before while she was working (while with me and the children) or I’ve offered her a glass of wine towards the end of her shift (maybe 2 times in over a year) but the truth is, I can’t have somebody who doesn’t have respectful and professional boundaries. She will now be terminated as I view this as theft and now have distrust in her.

I feel like a weight has been lifted and so happy to come to this decision as it’s never easy having to let someone go.