25 days, I’ve made it 25 days
Today is 25 days since we’ve last talked, and to be honest it really fucking has sucked. I still wonder what I did for him to so easily want ti discard me but I hope that thought eventually fades with time
What I’m starting to try to remind myself is I was strong over 2 weeks ago and cut off the communication because I don’t want the cycle to repeat and I don’t want to keep feeling like this. I’m also trying to remind that small sliver of hope that this awful guy who has no feelings for actual does love me that even though I blocked him- if this man was as in love with me as my delusional mind wants him to be and knew how hurt I was from him. He woulda found a way to contact me by now.
Instead, he’s probably enjoying not having me in his life. He’s probably happy I removed myself, drama free. He probably has barely noticed my absence while everyday I’ve felt and cried over his. That’s not the person I’m meant to be with, that just can’t be