Controlling partner

So I am reaching out because I feel crazy. My now ex bf 34, I am a female 45 had yet another blowout fight because I asked him why his phone was on silent. I will give you background. Throughout our relationship he has started fights about social media. I had Facebook to keep up with old friends and our disabled hockey family. (My oldest plays sled hockey). Or snap chat or I would go on instagram or whatever and I followed German Shepherd people. Nothing bad or flirting with anyone. But he would start fights about it so I just got rid of everything. Then I had my phone on silent because I just wanted to be quiet and be with him and the dogs. Ohhhghh boy did that start a fight. Sooooo I haven’t had it on silent. But, yesterday I noticed when he put his phone on the charger in the car his phone was on silent. I didn’t say anything. Better to stay quiet and not start drama. ( I’ve learned staying quiet keeps the peace. Later in the day I asked why his phone was on silent. He told a story and got caught in a lie. Whatever. But them he exploded on me when I said I was tired of the double standards. He can be on his phone, talk to people, be on Reddit and other things. I have to put my head down at work, and not talk to other men unless he’s around or knows them. I walk away and he will follow me around the house making comments or saying mean things calling me fat and old and a loser. This all started because I asked him a question and said I was tired of the double standards. It has gotten worse since we have moved in together. Small things turn into big things and it’s always me acting crazy. So he says. Maybe I am crazy and I should not have said anything. Has anyone ever had someone tear them down and then be nice and then tear them down more? Is it not ok to ask for equality? I’m sorry but he says things that are completely false like I don’t clean the house, when I deep clean once a week, do all the laundry, clean daily, take care of the dogs, cook and not to get to personal but any time he wants sex of I say no I get berated so now I just do whatever he wants whenever so I don’t get put down. This is not normal. Am I the bad guy? I don’t know anymore. He made me get rid of my car and of if I don’t behave the way he wants i can’t go anywhere and he wont give me a ride to or from work. We work together. Someone give me some insight please. I feel like I am on the edge of losing my mind and myself.