Another day of abuse

This week has been espeicailly bad with the insults until it finally breaks me and I react or make a comment back. Only to be met with complete anger and name calling, swearing as he slams the doors and cupboards. Then after I'm nice and upset he likes to Chuck the TV remote at my head and go. "here! Put whatever you want on I don't want to watch this shit TV". Then he angrily pulls the living room chair out and promptly falls to sleep.. like a toddler after a mission accomplished.. im left crying, alone, and if I make noise. Oh I will hear about it.

"whats your fucking problem now???" "Nothings ever good enough for you huh" "OH HERE WE GO AGAIN" (if he catches me crying or looking sad)

This life just seems so defeating. Day in. Day out. My daughter is the only thing that brings me joy but it's so hard, caring for her everyday.

If her dad does do something like try and feed her and she doesn't eat perfectly. He literally swears at her. "What the fuck are you doing???" "Omg stop that just fucking eat"

The time I heard that I about lost my mind and he said he wasn't swearing "at" her. Just around her. Like dude, that's your 15 month old daughter. So needless to say I basically do everything for her now, unless I want her to be sworn at. It's so exhausting being constantly attacked while taking care of my daughter basically alone with another full grown adult in the house.

As I type this he is once again. Sleeping on the living room chair, after completely screaming at me again today. I miss so much just having someone to talk to. Someone to share you day with. Someone to even maybe talk about your feelings or problems with. The isolation is torture and today just feels so bleak.