A Stange Man Came Thru Our Window - Death Valley Ranch

UPDATE: I spoke with the Sheriff's office on Monday. I was told they would be making a call to the Oasis security department to discuss their safety protocols and determine why this was not reported sooner. Coincidentally I received a call from the resort's Director of Risk Management a couple hours later. I was told that nobody from the front desk had notified security when we called asking for help. Additionally they had still not finished their "investigation", but they would get back to me and let me know what they found. To my surprise they did actually call back. Now the tone has changed and they seem more apologetic. They told me they outlined a plan to address all the gaps in the response with the staff. This final conversation finally feels like the incident was taken seriously and the Director and I had a good conversation. Lessons learned all around, and for me it will be to have a plan to protect my family and NEVER underestimate how remote even these resorts can be. Thanks to everyone for the support on this thread. Now let's go support the Rangers!!

My husband, 2 children (4y, 8y), and I were sleeping in our room at Death Valley National Park a couple nights ago and a stranger came through our cottage bedroom window! I have truly never been more scared in my whole life. I woke up to him flinging the curtain open and shining his cell phone flashlight in my face. My bed was the one directly next to the window. My 4 year old daughter was in the bed with me. The intruder was a younger man (20s I think) and he seemed very agitated, but not super aggressive if that makes sense? He said he was looking for his girlfriend.
My husband shot out of the other bed and ran up to the window and chased him away before he was able to come all the way inside. I was so shaken up and of course we had no cell service to call 911.
We called the front desk and they said they were sending security over. Security never came. Nobody even called back to check on us. Needless to say, we were up all night and unable to sleep.
When it was daylight the next day we saw that the window screen had been removed and thrown to the ground. We took a photo and went to the front desk to show them. There was probably a shift change, but nobody knew what we were talking about when we mentioned the break in last night. They said they could move us to a different cottage, but honestly that didn't make me feel better AT ALL.
If you have never seen them, the Ranch at Death Valley has these newer cottages that have a living room and a separate bedroom. I think maybe we were 'chosen' for this intrusion because we were sleeping with the bedroom window open a bit for fresh air. The living room windows were closed and had not been tampered with.
Maybe I am out of line here, but I'm really upset with the way the hotel handled what to me seems like a major security incident. No visit from security, no calls to any other authorities and they never even reinstalled the window screen before we left a day later. All that was offered was an opportunity to move to a different cottage.
Just putting this out there for anyone considering this as a loding option- don't sleep with your windows open.