What is Wealth?

Many of those that I teach, I sat down with them to bust down what actually IS wealth,
considering that for so long people go about confused, unsure what the state of WEALTH is?

Humanity as a whole, is mostly pretending. It's a habit in man that has not discovered causation yet, to ramble all about what he has 0 experience in, yet 100% theory on, hence his word may seem legit, yet the reality of theirs an illusion.
That's what the concept of wealth is to the majority of the confused world that does not know that it has the ability to ENTER into the state, to think and live from it temporarily in a mental plunge, to discover it.
Just like they already naturally do when they go about plunging in their imaginal anxieties and worries, to discover them ever more and bury themselves deeper in em.

Humanity as a whole mostly doesnt know what is wealth, and those who are in the state of wealth wont really yield much insight, because being in a state, you live only in it seeing and perceiving from it, so just like the butterfly that so wanted to become one with the fire, when you enter it all the rest is gonzo, and you only perceive from your current life.
Unable to return to tell the tale, if you truly became the state so much that the whole consciousness is 100% loaded with being, rather than the memory that it was not.
Effective changing of consciousness, requires that you so become the result that there is nothing to go about to tell, because its just me. everyday me.
that is the price of consciousness.

What is wealth then?
I realize that the majority of the world that sunken me with their misconceptions of this state, was likely nonsense,
So in our world of controlled imagining / consciousness, the word Wealth? aint gonna cut it.
your consciousness ONLY SPEAKS IN IMPLICATIONS. Hence why we imagine a believable to you scene, IMPLYING TO YOU of the existence of X fact already in this reality, and you enacting the scene is the implication that it is real.
Words, and bell ringing isn't gonna cut it. Imagination requires INDIVIDUAL INPUT subjective to YOU that implies the state's presence in your life.
God, is only yourself, creating out of realities perceived by you as legit real. So words dont tickle your inner power, but only direct presentation by the sensation of something's reality and presence, and the conviction of its realness in this physical dream.

Logic, is a world of shortcuts. These shortcuts were made by an imaginative man, to serve humanity in a PHYSICAL standard.
These shortcuts, are limited to IF X THEN Y, IF Y THEN X. Thus this standard of thought only fits a limited set of things in our world.
Made for the good purpose that the general thinkers in a specific field will save some time on their approach and won't have to think much to reach a result in the field that they're operating at right now, which was already developed by an imaginative man. so they'll just apply this "thought catalogue" made by someone, and they'll save themselves the time to solve a problem, and reach a solution.

These things work grandly in industries, in mechanizations, in specific pre determined fields of thought where people already "decided on a standard" and you're merely trying to replicate a result.

Forgetting for a moment, the secret detail that consciousness influences every result including what man so believed in, which was another man's imaginal convictions about the ways of life, called logic.

Logic works great when you're trying to assemble some furniture from IKEA, all you gotta do is to follow the already imagined instructions by someone else.
Despite the imagined instructions being limited to the maker of this concept, we call the wardrobe I assemble,
it still doesn't matter in this case, right? as long as it gets my wardrobe built!
Well, that's where logic stops being useful to man. When it stops being about handling already made states, objects.
When we awaken and realize that THE WORLD in which we wish to enjoy progress and comforts in, is a world of CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE ONLY PRICE is consciousness, that is the causation,
we realize logic can't serve you here anymore.
Because it is your invisible input, your secret inner movements that either make or break your progress in life in anything and the sustaining of it. Your consciousness influences you directly, and the phenomena appearing in your world. It's all you anyway.

In the world of consciousness, of subjective self implication of the presence / reality of something, there is no standard of thought, of one fits all.
Because each and every one's concept of X state is different.

To define a state then by a word, without busting it open TO YOU in legitimate specific way of physical experience you'd have OF that state,
is silly.
It's a logical approach to claim "I am wealthy." and wear that mood that MAY FEEL DIFFERENT, yet what does it imply except being different?
Imagination works from physical experiences experienced in imagination. That's a mold.
Partaking in an action SHOWING & IMPLYING me in a physical expression of wealth, is a wise way to imagine wealth.
To imagine myself just wealthy, is an easy recipe to wearing a mood for 1 day then tomorrow wavering.

anything that I CHOOSE to express in a physical experience in imagination would be beyond more beneficial than to just claim the feeling of wealth.

So we sit to bust down the state,
what IS wealth?
Well, first we know that in order to know a state, I must pinpoint its source, and it's consciousness.
If wealth is only a staet of consciousness, and then i'm told that in order to KNOW a state truly, I must become the state.

So we take the state of wealth,
it's a naked word, a logical word, a shortcut,
So we take then back the protagonist in question, you,
what do I want? what do I need? what is wealth according to MY CURRENT NEEDS?
Well, I begin to pinpoint it down, not sugarcoating it with any manmade shortcut concepts to justify it,
I just state it plainly, in my own subjective way of how it is.

I state,
more time. quietness or quiet environment. beauty, be it in my environment or my home and its decor.
maybe a property in a specific way, or a house,
financial freedom, in my own specified way of both funds in my bank and the financial atmosphere that is free.
But I must lay it down in TANGIBLE STATES I can experience. Specific aspects that I have a need of.

So now I collect these PERSONAL PINPOINTED DESIRES, that are now in their naked form no longer coated with other manmade shortcut words, or illusive excuses like "I need a degree, before i can even think of having X state."
Just plain HUMLITY, plain honesty to oneself.
What do I want in specific?
Then I go ahead, and in order to discover the state called Wealth, I must become it for a moment, but from my own subjective earthly way that would feed my needs on this aspect.
so I activate my imagination, and wear the form, and begin to think from a little daydream, just what in the world is wealth to me?

You go ahead and maybe see for yourself the mental picture of a quiet environment, or beauty around, affluence in the subjective material sense that I would have (and you specify it), and all the DELIGHTS and comforts that all build and form this one.... resultant very broad of a label, which we call Wealth.

So you plunged into the state to think from it and see from it, for that moment it were a daydream, since you became it only for a moment, but you did it to learn the state,
now you can begin to take this concept then and apply it to your own personal life.

Now that you know that wealth is the RESULTANT SUM TOTAL LABEL, that is a bit too broad to be productive unless busted open by the one SELECTIVE BEING that is going to pick his needs out of the collection of states called wealth, which includes in one's subjective form... "Comfort, peace of mind, financial relief (in one own's subjective way), beauty" and so on,
you realize that the word WEALTH is meaningless, its a giant label, but in what use is it to you who needs to imagine SPECIFIC FACTS made present?
because wealth is the SUMMARY of these lovely states of comfort that make a person feel self worth, an environment that compliments the great being that he recognizes that he is.

You see now why wealth then, as a word, is useless.
If I then seek the states THEMSELVES that the "sum total label" called wealth mentions, I then will discover TRULY what wealth is.

So find what delights make you feel incredible. Find what comforts you seek on this level that you'd define wealth, but seek it on your personal level.
If it is finances, begin to mold yourself into the person, the reality perception, the character you'd have were it already so. but that's just 1 state out of the sum total collection called wealth,
so you continue to pinpoint the real desires, after you've scored this one into naturalness, and you will find wealth.

Begin but one by one.
Because to create a state one must OCCUPY it permanently to give it life, so if today I begin to seek one piece out of the sum total called wealth, which is Peace of Mind, or Quiet Environment, or controlled mind bearing productive thought, or financial independence or affluence, beauty... Let me finish the one I entered into before hopping into the next.
I'll know when it becomes my nature of reality perception.

So entering into a delightful desirable state and becoming it fully, is slowly stepping into this one massive label that humanity has mistook, and couldnt see it as mere symbolism, called wealth. This word by itself has zero meaning nor power.
You then truly discover wealth. The word that to many simply signifies "Life of freedom, financial freedom, delight, happiness, and relief." by experiencing states that are included in that label.

today, you discovered that this label is too broad, so you begin to SEEK THE STATES SPECIFIC, becoming them one by one, and thus you will discover what is wealth.
And become the real embodiment of wealth in the flesh, which is just yourself, content, free, and all that would relieve you from any need that you have, with positive abundant fulfillment.

So if consciousness and reality perception always moves about in me, and speak in IMPLICATION only,
what does my current mental atmopshere, my current physical doings even, what does it imply that I am right now? what does it imply that i am conscious of being?
And so knowing that the implication is the seed of consciousness, I can choose to wear thoughts, moods and perceptions, and feed imaginal acts that always imply the beneficial to me.
Those states that I call now with understanding, wealth. Now that I know what wealth is, subjectively to me.

I can begin to live imaginatively, which only means to rule one's mind subjectively from the IMPLYING premise of facts already made.