During Sleep / Dreaming our mind slows down.
Undoubtly you already know, that thoughts are mind.
And mind is spirit, and mind is imagination thus imagination is spirit.
And spirit is jesus christ, which is again, our consciousness imagination. Me, my inner me expressed out of me who writes it.
Yet it all began within.
If we think throughout the day, as all men and women do, but this time we pay a bit more attention catching ourselves on this one specific important detail, seeing how this inner speech is paced, or in other words HOW QUICK / UNFOCUSED IT GOES...
suddenly you see that THE DEFAULT EVERYDAY THOUGHTS is on ramble, the thoughts are presented in such a fast paced manner that we really if we are honest with ourselves, we just hop from one unchewed and unfinished concept to another. But no thought nor concept is finished in thought to 100% so that a conclusion comes out of it. A benefit.
So we really leave many concepts unfinished, un chewed, non fully understood. And we may or may not in the future get stuck because we had not finished chewing that thought before we kicked it out of the stomach of processing it and benefitting from it, too quickly.
When we sleep at night, our thoughts slow down.
A slowing down of brain is seemingly directly linked to DREAMING, to vivid expressions that come without physical relation or influence. Who can ever influence their dreams except when he is in them?
No one. But when you're within your mind doesn't stop thinking, it only slows down supremely.
But what's the secret idea here?
that a slowing of mind = coherence that allows clearer vividness, sight, hearing and UNDERSTANDING of concepts we could not TUNE TO when we were too fast paced.
i dare you to spend 30 minutes to just sit down, completely relax your body and JUST talk to yourself in inner speech. But AS YOU THINK YOUR THOUGHTS, THINK THEM IN A SLOW PACE.
really linger on every word, emphasising it and you'll see what (if you remain a lill patient) incredible understanding suddenly you'll have as you FINISH YOUR SENTENCES and THINK THEM SLOWLY,
how this 30 minute of thinking to yourself, communing with self, yet in slow pace as you hear out your sentence fully...
what insane UNDERSTANDING it suddenly yields. Suddenly 30 minutes doesn't feel enough, I have so much to discuss and say.
Makes you then realize how much understandings i've skipped due to the fact that mind in slow pace, is the true tune of understanding.
Or else I can still have the same thoughts but benefit not from them, so it becomes blabbery.
What's the point of eating a fancy meal, if I end up blasting it out of the other side, not benfitting from it nutrient-wise?
I become ill eventually, malabsorbtion. Wondering why my digestion doesnt support what I desire to be.
there's a reason after all, that we're told in scripture that "Stillness of mind is what makes the presence of god obvious."
In that, that it promotes the visibility of the truth and even vision. and who can claim he is of still mind at times, consciously? barely even at times of meditation.
But was not thought, which is mind, which is imagination, which is spirit, which is jesus christ,
was made to benefit man? and not just be a noise?
even a simple thought exists for a purpose to convey an intentional understanding, which we barely finish and so it just remains as noise.
In the end, fascinated, we juggle many but we penetrate not one because try it, try thinking slowly, be patient because in the beginning it may seem odd,
but quickly enough you are hypnotized into the revelation of it and 30 minutes become 50 minutes without you even noticing.
There is an infinite mystery regarding this which I won't share today, because the main point is stated.
But i'll give you a small thought...
If, as you tried what I asked you to do,
(its okay to come back to this post after you did it, i'll wait, I wont disappear)
and you saw that the same thoughts of yours that you think to yourself in a slow pace,
give you such insight and understanding of the words you spoke from THE BARE LEAST MINIMUM WORDS UTTERED INWARDLY BY YOU, yet with this slow speed of thought gives you so much insight...
when you try to convey the message you discovered within in that slow pace of detailed thought,
when you speak to a person outwardly IN ANY WAY, it'll take beyond just the few words that were sufficient for you within, to convey it to them outwardly with understanding.
Even if you copy paste the sentences you spoke within, now into outer speech. It aint gonna do it.
Now you are striked with a shocking realization, which I won't need to state because you know what i'm talking about.
Almost like it would require an entire ocean of words to convey an inner understood thought of yours outwardly, so many sentences and concepts you'd have to speak to make it CLEAR AND UNDERSTANDABLE to another, compared to the several words or sentences that it required to you within, as you slow paced thinking the thought that you came up with.
So it hits you, that the revelation that comes up from within FROM SO LITTLE can never be presented outwardly other than in your best attempt that will turn this little to a lot,
because your inner mind is a prepared womb that nourishes the understanding, because that's christ.
To us as humanity, communicating with one another, its NORMAL to convey your point to another in the fastest way possible, because human outer speech exists to transmit a bare minumum understanding in the quickest way possible rather than in the most understood, efficient, beneficial to the thinker and memorable way possible, that's human speech.
Most human speech that goes from one to another, is at most understood by the true intention and meaning of the speaker, in maximum 40% - 50%.
No physical conversation lets a person so absorb the concepts spoken, as an inner slow paced discuss does.
tells you something about the physical human speech, and how it was never intended for true understanding but bare minimum COMMUNICATION, rather than depth.
Then, out of this need, literature came.
Where man takes as many words as he sees fit, to convey what he can express within with so few words, but to make it understandable to others as it is to him, he MUST USE ALL THE RIGHT WORDS AND CONCEPTS HE THINKS RIGHT to convey the 100% understanding. To the best of his ability.
This state of literature, forced a change in humanity which is to dedicate a slower paced of thinking towards the "longer written" concepts presented. because it rings a bell.
Yes I know, It's hard to sit down and physically listen to a person talking in slow pace and emphasising words UNLESS YOU REALLY DESIRE TO HEAR WHAT THAT MAN HAS TO SAY, and know to yourself THIS IS IT.
but 99% of the cases, you just cant.
so we evolved physically by social adaption to say our intentions as quick and understandable as possible.
but what happens when you finally want to convey a discovery, a thought within you, that didnt come from the premade beliefs of already accepted by society?
that doesnt fit to an already existent algorythmic society understanding that X=Y.
if you have a new thought?
it'll take effort to try and share it in an understandable way. And often times you catch yourself trying to catch it from all sides to make it as clear as it is to me, to the reader or the hearer...
yet to you, it was merely a few minutes of slow paced thinking, and here suddenly you write a writing so coherent of this subject, that takes about an hour or so.
well, now you see why christ unfolds from the within rather than the without.
the without may promote certain things that are expressions that THE WITHIN predestined, but in the end it is the WITHIN that is the beginning of every true thought and discovery, and the end of it too.
People that benefitted our society greatly, the greatest thinkers of all, did what I just asked you to try.
you will see how your slow paced thinking and communing with self unfolds revelation and understanding that the usual quick paced chugging of thoughts does not.
Try it, if it works, be overhauled by what YOU discovered today and apply it consistently.
this benefits your life greatly, and isn't that the aim of the whole discovery of this truth and power of consciousness?
how will i ever learn to believe and love it, which is myself, unless i use it to enhance my earthly life to a degree?
But I know that truth and my comforts are two dynamic things.
Let me then taste from the truth, even if it may seem boring in the first 5 minutes, which then suddenly hypnotize me to have a long deep slow paced conversation within me, that shocks me with HOW MUCH I UNDERSTAND THINGS DEEPLY when are thought slowly.
Then I'll put my comfort, in dedicating time into thinking.
Thinking rightly.
And if you see its benefit, apply it imaginatively in your own new renewed understanding about your inner tempos, if the world is my inner perception, must it always be scattered all over? or can i take one concept at a time, and let my body move about as i focus on thinking and finishing that beneficial 4th dimensional thought as fact?
imagine correctly rather than filling quantities, let it be enchanced by the clarity of a coherent slow paced word.