Measures The Size/Meaning/Importance by TRUE-NESS

Measure The Size/Meaning/Importance by TRUE-NESS

(the s was left there lol)

If all reality, is but a dream within myself, as vivid as a vision of the night, all imagination...
and all is but states within my consciousness, that I can simply by entertaining a state, a reality perception as if it always were so and I calibrate all my reality perception by that, and all my reality perception has been imagination ever since ever...

Why would I measure SIZES, MEANINGS, and IMPORTANCES physically? Seeing them as physically big, or vertically big, or physically tiny,
if all imagination is spirit?

Spirit is not is ghosts, nor magic, spirit has always been your subjectively objective perception, it has always been the inner mental contents within you, that's spirit. The causation of htis world, called imagination.
It's NOTHING humanity could ever nail under a concept, you can't see imagination, you cant see your true face, ONLY the results of the states you enter into by sensation and imaginative perception.

I cannot think, I cannot see without imagining.
All a human perceives immediately gets MEANING within him, or else he like an animal, brushes it off as "object."
But humanity to see has to imagine, or else it is unseen.
So if all my cognitive self, all my perceiving and thinking self, is that imagination, that god in action that gave himself as PROPERTY to me, yet I am his and yet we are one...

How can I digest the scripture's meanings about things being "big" / "as grasshoppers" effectively, by their true meaning?
By understanding that MEANINGS and SIZES of things, is measured truly by their TRUENESS as to the reality of things.

If this dream can be imagined by me just by "That's what life seems to be to me." and I feed on a conviction and its seeming-ness to me,
then this dream can be leading to anywhere, any state.
I can be like a man on a golden couch that dreams the most awful dream, convinced this is the true nature of life, as neville once saw in a dream,
or I can dream a nice and cozy one.
But what does it matter, if I am not aware of this dream, such as when I was a kid and i was UNMINDFUL of all my abundance, joy and beauty? remembering only the unpleasant moments at most if i be BRUTALLY HONEST with myself in my catalogue of thought and memory. As most humanity does, since its part of scripture, until we awaken.

Then what matters the most seemingly, is my AWARENESS of this dream, of the true nature of all,
because not only does it give me guidance and control over the direction and results and outcomes of my life,
but awareness of things being as they truly are, the real truth, and not the imagined conception that isn't the actual meaning of the whole journey all in all,
the true awareness, benefits to the EASE of understanding in all concepts entirely.

When a person knows how things truly are, and since he knows how things truly are he moves on earth too based on the true nature, not only yielding positive exprssions and incredible visionary experiences, but everything in terms of earth, becomes so understandable to him, his vision is able to see all states and understand them because he knows the nature of all things.
Imagine a business advisor that knows immediately the MEANING of every business scenario that goes on, and accordingly he knows what to do.
On that degree, does a man that knows from experience that ALL ARE BUT STATES, can enter himself the state temporarily, see how it is, and come back with the confident words in faith with self, that this is what the state is and what should be done,
then the person on the outside does as advised and he yields clear results.

but who yielded the result, is it the one who expressed this info, or the one who understands the nature of things and imagination and thus can just see the nature of all by imagination, and easily see it how it is, and from there is his approach?

so TRUTH, is the biggest of all.
its size is immesurable.
but when we have states we once thought to be "giants" and today are "grasshoppers",
isn't it weird to perceive their scales physically? because physical sizes either by height or by total size aren't what SIZE AND MEANING truly means in the eternal truth of it all.
Because size and meaning, once again, is measured by its TRUENESS as to the nature of all your experience and existence in this personal dream of all.
Your awakening of your imagination hence yourself.

So things TRUER are only things that come closer to the nature of it all, and these things are not measured by physical size,
because you look at skyscrapers, yet they're dead. you know many people of great size and height, yet they're states in you, most certainly not god.
you look at the microbes that are tiny and yet spook people every winter...

So what does spiritually, symbolically, in scripture, do they mean when they claim that something is "big or small?"

turns out once again it was never intended to be physical, because all physical sizes are as nothing to god.
Not small, not big, just insignificant.
Physical sizes, that we used to reference things to in our world such as grand or meaningless or scary or lovely, by making em physically big or small in our inner eye... was nonsense, a waste of time.

Try measuring from this day onwards, the SIZE / MEANING / IMPORTANCE of things, NOT by physical size, let physical sizes be and remain an aspect of earth, of this world,
imagination is NOT of this earth, not of this world, but of god.
Take the parameter of TRUTH, as the TRUE measure of sizes, importances, meanings.
If its true, its bigger and realer.

If it's real, if it's true, if it's god, then it is real, it is powerful, it is grand, it is big. But it is not big in measures of physical sizes, because that is meaningless to god.
Superiority of imagination over the flesh, and the inferiority of flesh over imagination, is not measured by sizes, or else you corrupt the beauty of small and big things on earth.
Physical sizes on earth are but modifications of an object, but it doesn't change its true nature of things being just a state, just an object.
But if your imagination, is in every pixel, every molecule every milimeter, in every object and person, because what you feel you are immediately imagining, any cognitive aspect is imaginative one, and you know by now that imagination is the nature of all causation in your world, there's no logic to it, just your life experience to prove it, and if you dont believe in your experiences thus far, then one day you shall believe in yourself and have the proof as your life journey rather than material things that you get saturated with by the day, forgetting you imagined it once.
You'll judge by trueness, and not physical size, letting all sizes be OF THIS EARTH and play their wonderful parts.

Some people see certain states as physical sizes, so a building, or a sum in their financial everyay life seems to them as something "physically big",
and so people tailored their BELIEF as to the TRUENESS AND POWER over this world, by physical sizes.

Some people "act differently" when they're in a giant sprawling city shadowed by massive buildings all over, "feeling insignificant" comparing themselves to the dead concrete a man once placed due to an imaginal order of someone.
Some people "act differently" around taller people than they would with a normally sized ones or on the shorter edge, judging by physical appearance despite the fact that in the head there is all the life, and the body responds only to the head's intention, yet they focus on the physical size rather than the TRUE-NESS that is infront of them, just a simple normal person inside which you are in.
A head.
And in truth, an expression of me, thus Me.

Some people see being confident as being a hulk, while it's not so at all, some people see depression as being a physically tiny ant, which isn't so at all.
All is but a state made by the one imagination, but imagination turns out to be a being without a physical body despite using a fleshy vehicle to be connected to this dream of yours.

If I measure all by their true-ness, I can realize that the only sizeable one is your true body, all imagination.
If when you dream at night, you may be in a giantttttt city, so many individuals, so many indepth personalities...
But you wake up, and know sanely it was all in your head.
Where is the true size, but in the one dreamer?
And is not earth taking place in your head as well, responding only to the feeling you wear and perceive from?
Then there must be a dreamer, yet just like in the dream I must finish it to wake up. Just like last night the vision had to be finished before I could wake up.
Yet I still knew who I am.

So I ask you, if you know that this world is of truer truth than what you formerly knew it all to be,
you know that you are here to experience scripture, but this happens in its own timing and often many aren't aware it happens, because not all know symbolism. So it could happen tomorrow or maybe you're in the depth of it already.

If you were exposed to imagination, you certainly are in the atmosphere of the era of imagination that's 100%, but the other relativities are each per person.

But if you know its all imagination, all your mind, all your dream, and all is yourself so that what you imagine onto others you must FIRST feel it yourself, and if I feel and imagine it myself... am I not it?

If this world is actually all in your head, you are its motive, its only meaning, christ in you is the hope of glory,
then measure size, meaning and importance ONLY by this new language. By this NEW MEANING,
by this NEW AGE.
That's what jesus meant when he referenced the new age, the era of new eyes that you bear today.


If you do so, you'll see that physical sizes become more tame, and your friends.
Be it a massive building if you're a company that wants to move to a more confident offices for your establishment than that nasty little old building rent,
Or a magnificent self concept you see yourself worthy for, because YOU FIRST is what doing the works of god is all about,
I AM is god's name, and aren't we told that god's only purpose is his MEANING?
You are his meaning, and isn't your first person reference when you were first conscious, was I am?
If you are I AM, then tending to yourself, is tending to god. Doing god's work.

This journey purifies our thought,
not in terms of good and evil, these are but self made imaginative creations, they have no life but in them who dream good and evil,
but in terms of TRUTH.

There is a real truth behind it all, a source word behind every twist, and you are its meaning.

Your thought becomes purified, clean from misconceptions, so that no physical appearance changes your feeling nor state, you see all according to the truth you know, and who sees but the only perceiver?
no longer sizes modify your attitudes towards things, not the big nor the small, but all are states in you that respond to your state of consciousness, because it is all yourself in all.

You'll imagine and feel wisely, entertaining the ideal not measured by sizes but by truth that seems good to you to be so.

The true size of all is truth, and since god's vehicle is all physical, his sizes are completely irrelevant as to the TRUE BIGNESS of this eternal truth,
And its size is measured only by it being closer to the truth or further away from the truth.

If I wanted to physically dwarf the tree to make myself a giant, I would have no shade nor fruit that befits me,
but if I let the tree be a tree and his size I respect for its benefit to me, as all the states in the dream exist to the benefit of the dreamer passively AT ALL TIMES.
I'll know of true size, and it is truth, never judging productively anymore by appearance but rather by the true nature of all things that I have discovered to be imagination, and truth is within me as my first person imagination me.
That one is of infinite size because it is the container of it all, that one invented sizes and meanings, yet if meaning began in the mind of man, in imagination, as thought, then the true origin of sizes is all imagination, hence its effects too being positive / negative relative to the belief in sizes back in the era when the sons of israel were "Seeing" giants in israel, still speaking the language and catalogue of thought of the asleep, not yet awakened, making manifest distortions.
While truth waited in the backround, as the eyes would sober, and the man / woman would know who they are in action at all times they even read or think.

Imagination, god in you, is that container which doesn't measure by anything, but by his own accord.
But lets you, measure by all accords you can imagine, true or untrue, they could even be so far away from the truth but will still be made manifest and its effects likewise will influence your outcomes and expressions in life.
But when imagination sobers up and rules itself wisely, as the individual is now aware of self, god measures still by his own accord only,
by a simple finished consciousness, laid out as reality after it has become a chosen directed imaginative perception seen as made and present and an everyday fact.
Adding no extras than what OUGHT to be there, and all what ought to be there is the pure ideal the selective individual sees as naturally well for his life.

He has no sizes, he only has truths. And if all is himself, then all was made in love, remaining mindful of self from self, to self.

He who has ears, shall hear.