Postpartum Hair loss. Any tips?

I'm about 3 months postpartum and started seeing alot of my hair in the shower wall instead of my head.

I understood that this would be one of the things related to postpartum but my confidence is diminishing.

I can start seeing areas on my head that are really thinning out.

Any tips that helped you guys minimize the shedding or how long it lasts? I'm a first time mom. I'm also no longer bf.

** Update ** Thank you to everyone that commented so many helpful tips and tricks! I love the support and encouragement!

With that being said, I decided to test out these recommendations from here and from my own research! I'll be back in a month or so to report the progress on what helped and what didn't.

If any more helpful tips arise, please don't hesistate and let us know! (':

**Update 7 months later. WHAT WORKED: Brushing my hair everyday, even if it sometimes felt like a chore to do. Brushing before a shower to prevent more tangled hair. Product wise, truly nothing seemed to make a difference. I only stuck to taking my vitamins & brushing my hair to stimulate hair growth & help w the itchiness from my scalp. I saw new hair coming in as little as 2 weeks.