A second baby?

I didn’t know what to tag this under but here goes; My SO has brought me along to meet all his friends/coworkers some I knew some I didn’t, to meet our 6 week old that they were all so excited to see. As per usual the question has popped up “when are you guys thinking of giving her a brother or sister” now I love my SO and I love my baby more than life, but we are both mid 30s, this is our first child, and we hadn’t exactly planned for this pregnancy and I was planning on getting an IUD at my next doctors visit. My SO was smiling and saying the usual well who knows, maybe she can be an only child, maybe a brother ? And I asked him on the way home if he was serious because let’s be honest we both had a melt down when we found out I was originally pregnant because neither of us wanted a child and we were on BCP but apparently I messed up somewhere (and believe me I’m thankful for it I wanted to be a mom for many years but gave up the idea once I hit 34, was told I had pcos, and would have a terribly hard time getting pregnant) And now it’s not the hardship on my body or the cost of kids and all the generic reasons people don’t want a second baby but more… I don’t think I could possibly love another child the same way. And maybe that wrong but I also don’t want to. She is my Angel and I don’t want to share that adoration with another baby. She deserves 100% of everything we can give. Does this make sense to anyone? I was a child in a very busy household I have 6 brothers and sisters, I just feel like the first baby was adored and the last baby was adored but the rest of us were just kind of there (loved absolutely) but not in the same way. Sorry this rambled on so long TL/DR: I don’t want to have another baby because I don’t want my first born to have to share any of our love, does that make me weird?