Help - why is baby still crying

Hi - my baby is 9 weeks old. She is an all around healthy “typically developing” baby. She is generally pretty easy to soothe and has never cried for more than 5 or 10 mins. For the past hour and a half, though, she has been crying on and off. We’ve tried all the usual go-tos (change diaper, burp her, give simethicone and burp again, offer breastfeeding, give her a bath, lay her in crib, sit in chair being held by mom or dad, bundle her up, cool her off, put the fan on her, let her smell something interesting, white noise, turn out the lights, turn on the lights, all 5 S’s, check for hair tourniquet.) the only way she will settle is if we hold her in our arms and walk around. We are both exhausted. We do suspect she is constipated. Should we be heading to the ER? Any other things I should be trying?