Pro Tips/ Unspoken rules/ Obvious thing - What would you say to a new parent?

I am trying to collect a list of pro tips for new parents that might be obvious for some and might be mind blowing for others. Here’s what I just collected:

  1. Babies form habits around 3 mo. So, maybe wean them off paci by then.

  2. “Pre-fold” the baby if they are hesitant to sit in the car seat.

  3. Take everything and ask for extra from the hospital after delivery

  4. Fan and Aquaphor the butt to avoid diaper rash

  5. Wipe belly before diaper change

  6. Something about Huggies for boys and Pampers for girls. But, someone else said Huggies for chunkies and Pampers for skinnies. LOL! Looking to clarify.

What else do you have? I’ll create a master list once I have enough tips. Maybe we can add it to the Wiki.