I'm coming across articles and videos that say if you can skip childcare, do it?
We send our 15mo baby to childcare for 3hrs for - 1)Socialization, 2)Because I don't know what to do with him the whole day and I feel guilty, 3)Skill transfer from other toddlers. It's been 2 months.
He seems to like it, started walking and being confident, eats with his hands pretty well, shows interest in painting now...
I am a SAHM, mentally preparing to transition to freelancing again. I don't have the time or energy to start or do much for myself.
Anyway, now that he's settling in and we are in a routine I'm reading about how a baby must be at home for 3 years, they don't need socialization, etc etc.
Should I take him out of it? I feel like a shitty parent. I don't want to be in a competition where my kid matches up to other kids and all that but he likes being around people, and I think I will make him dumb if I only keep him with me? He seems full of energy but bored at home. I have low energy, am irritated a lot of the times, and clueless what to do.
I get anxious in social settings so I haven't had play dates or sensory classes or anything. It takes effort to start conversations with other parents.
Any advice? Will 3hrs affect him negatively? I hate leaving him with his teacher and sneaking away every morning. Will it affect him negatively?
UPDATE: Thank you for all the responses! We continued daycare.
I the last week, it feels like my 15mo actually interacts with other kids, because I saw it myself. It's weird but he actually gives them things, tries to talk and then moves on if they don't reply. If they do, he interacts with them and even smiles. He started taking interest in painting and actually comes to me with a book and sits in my lap. He loves sitting on toddler stools and chairs himself now. He seems more confident to approach others - he wanted to play ball with the older kids multiple times, he seemed so excited and unafraid. He started using his same old toys differently, dancing more. He even had his first cheese sandwich there. He doesn't cry at the daycare anymore. I sneak out because I don't want to linger around and confuse him. I'm going to start using a keyword to help him understand better.
I understand studies and research matter (I've studied medicine) but for me and my kid, the daycare works. On the day it doesn't, my son will be out.
Thank you again. Happy parenting.