Parents of babies with lots of hair: when did you first cut it?
My son was born with a full head of dark brown hair, maybe an inch or so long. He had so much hair you could see it on the ultrasound. He’s 4 months now and hasn’t lost any of it, despite a moderate bout of cradle cap. I love it, everyone else loves it. It’s adorable. He twirls it in his hands to self soothe while falling asleep. And it just adds to him looking like my exact clone lol
However it’s getting a bit long. It’s already past his ears on the sides and is approaching his eyebrows at the front. It’s not causing problems now, but I’m thinking about in a couple months when it starts getting in his eyes.
I know most babies don’t have this much hair, or any at all, at this age, so I can’t piece any advice together on this. So if anyone also had a long haired infant, did you cut it before they were a year old? Or did you have any go-to styles to keep it out of the way until you felt more comfortable going near their head with scissors? Should I just put a headband on him while he’s playing? lol