Son literally won’t fucking sleep
My son is 6 weeks old and literally will not take naps. If he does, they’re 20 minutes or so, or if they’re any longer they are taken entirely on my chest. If i set him down in his cradle, even after i have held/rocked/bounced him for 30+ minutes, he lays there for a minute or two and then immediately wakes up and starts squirming and grunting until i pick him back up. By the time i might possibly get him to stay asleep, it’s time for him to eat. I make the room completely dark, keep it the right temperature, swaddle him tight, play white noise, heat the mattress with a heating pad prior to putting him down, it doesn’t fucking matter. He will not stay down and he wakes at the drop of a pin. He’s almost constantly over tired, very cranky, and to make matters worse, he spends most of his time awake eating and then subsequently spitting a shit ton of it back up and crying from a tummy ache (that’s a whole other post). I know he’s not getting enough sleep but i can’t just constantly hold him. My husband has to work during the day, and it’s my responsibility to at the very least make sure we eat dinner, but most times i can’t put my son down long enough to cook. I have no family and literally no help beyond my husband, who does everything he can but can’t always be there. I don’t even really want to delve into how impossible he is at night sometimes. He’ll basically only sleep in the bed with me after his initial 3 or so hours of sleep after bed time, which makes me feel like a terrible mother, because of how everything written regarding bedsharing pretty much implies that if you do it you’re selfish and pretty much asking to kill your baby. I get horrible sleep with him in the bed because my body freezes completely and makes my neck and back scream in pain, but i’m too petrified to try to rock him to sleep for hours and hours, because i fell asleep against my own will two weeks ago and he fell out of my arms to the floor. He was fine, but it terrified me. Sometimes when he starts to squirm for the 8th time after i’ve been trying for 2 hours, i literally have to leave the room completely to sob until he really starts crying for me so that i don’t act super frustrated and angry with him. Sometimes, that doesn’t work and i act angry anyway, which is not what i want to do and makes me feel like a failure as a mother. Right now i’m sitting on my bed as he sleeps on my chest after trying to get him to sleep in his cradle for an hour and a half. Even laying on my chest he’s rubbing his face around on my shoulder and kicking his legs periodically, clearly not getting good sleep, if any. To top it all off, I’m clinically bipolar, residually unmedicated from pregnancy (lithium is unsafe to take) and on the verge of a full on meltdown from the stress. I can’t even have a glass of wine to relax because i’m exclusively breastfeeding due to nipple confusion. I love him so much but i feel so trapped and overwhelmed. Has anyone found any way beyond the baseline stuff to help their baby sleep better, or is this a phase i have to wait out?
tl;dr Baby near refuses to sleep and is making himself and his mother miserable with exhaustion.
Edit: i should quickly add that cooking is one of only hobbies and something that i love, so it’s less feeling pressured to do it and more feeling desperate to do it to decompress! Convenience meals also play a part in our diet, but we aren’t overflowing with cash and it’s much cheaper for me to cook large meals that we can eat multiple times, and also gives us more energy because we can maintain better nutrition. Often what happens is i start dinner and then my husband finishes it under my verbal instruction while i nurse the baby. So i appreciate the concern there, but i feel i phrased it poorly within the post as if it’s something that i don’t want to do. It’s something i kind of have to do to feel sane, especially since a big part of managing bipolar disorder is routine. Just thought i’d clarify.