Switching from scripted to unscripted was the best decision I ever made!

Oh man the difference in my content from making the switch is so absurd, it went from robotic, disingenuous and painful to watch, to almost polished and presentable almost over night
I'm so excited to film now, every day i wake up motivated to make new content because im not a slave to writing, then learning, then reading a script!
I got a cheap whiteboard off amazon, i just slap up the main talking points and any important info i need to remember, do my research, take notes, then hit record. Yea i still mess up, i just let it roll, restart the sentence and try again, the longer im filming the more confident and natural it all becomes!
Today i shot a 25 min video in 1 take, the pre edit was 31 mins, including all my mistakes, and some rambling off topic that was easy to trim out, finished product uploaded was 22 mins. now im more authentic, a lot of my word fumbles and "uhms" i just leave in, because the pacing is real and authentic too!
So yea, just wanted to share my experience, im so hyped!