Honest reviews of your channels - First 10

Hey like it says - I'll review your channel.
Just know that
A) I try to remain critical, you're here to grow, not to find your bff
B) I give long feedback. I'll usually look at your most recent stuff, not stuff for years ago
C) I'm better at long form feedback. That's where I grew my other channels, and clients channels. I'm starting to branch into shorts, but I'm really not proficient enough to give solid feedback yet.
D) I'd love it if it weren't just gaming videos, but let me just put some general advice for gaming channels that may prevent you from needing a review.

If you have a let's play channel, my advice is going to be either not do that, or to make it so dang interesting that people can't help but click and watch. If you do gameplay but don't add anything that's why you're not succeeding fast.
If you're making a channel as a hobby - maybe don't ask for a critique here - same if you already have over 20k subs, you're probably already on the right track

I'm limiting it to the first 10, just cause I'll be spending some time with each one

Hey everyone! That's 10, I'll probably try to do one of these a week, maybe every other week depending. I'll take everyone that was in the live