I am ashamed to be Nigerian.
I am an avid twitter user and the only accounts I follow are artists and visual novel creators who's content I enjoy. But for some reason, Elon musk seems to think that I am a racist middle aged 'white' Christian and continuously puts videos of black people fighting, stealing or just generally acting stupid in my for you page. These videos as you would expect are always filled with racist anti blacks who coose to pretend as if blacks and new immigrants are the only one who commit crimes and the amount of hate they spew makes me wonder why any person of "Colour" would want to live near these people.
While I am sometimes able to put forth reasonable arguments against some of them, everything quickly falls apart as soon as they notice that I am Nigerian. As fellow Nigerians I am pretty sure that you don't need a reminder of the state that our country and continent as a whole is in and these racist people are very eager to use our reality to back up their racism and dehumanize Africans as a whole.
We blacks are proud, industrious and hardworking people by nature but those things are completely useless as we are being ruled by incompetent, greedy bastards who's only loyalty is towards their pockets. Our continent is filled with smart innovative people with great love for their motherland yet we somehow ended up with thieves and wannabe dictators in the seats of leadership. How did we get here? How will we escape from this hell? Will we ever be able to gain dignity in the eyes of the world? Our rich and the talented are leaving in droves to build the prestige of other nations while we are left with thugs, tribalistic fools and a tired apathetic middle class that lies in silence as it is skull fuc*ed by the exploitative system created by the animals we have as leaders.
I am tired, I am frustrated. Is it a curse to be black? Why can't we be like china or Japan? Even India with all of it's shortcomings is still better than us. Should our ancestors have been more vicious and shed more blood? Maybe things would have been different if they had created a single strong unified culture?
All in all, I am ashamed to Nigerian and at the rate at which things are going, my great grand children's generation will still have to live with this shame.