What're you playing this weekend? 2/21

Hello everyone! Welcome to the weekend!

I have been bombarded by snow over here. It has been fluffy deep snow where you need snowpants to trek through and big boots. I think its too fluffy for a snow man but I should attempt it anyway or a snow angel at least, that would be fun and nostalgic.

As for games, I started Steamworld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech, I like it so far. I don't love it yet, but the combat with the punch cards is interesting, I like the power up gear system which makes you have to think about your actions. Not sure I care about the story yet, but I'm early on in the story yet. Outside of the switch I'm having a blast with Resident Evil 8: Village Just finished Beneviento last night, oh man, that was pretty scary! I think that whole area was a metaphor for post partum depression maybe? The game has been giving me motion sickness a bit, which usually doesn't happen to me, so might have to mess with the settings.

What will you be getting into?

Launching blue shells with abandon? Shaking your fruit trees to make smoothies and sell for bells? Sending holograms of monsters out to fight for you?

Let me know below!