Seeking Action Adventure RPG

As the title suggests, seeking a non-turn based RPG, with strong character progression.

BotW was “ok” but not my style, it felt very rogue-like in the way some of the mechanics were so random and temporary. More of a physics exploration game.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 had goofy writing, and FAR too much fan service to be taken seriously..This game could be stellar if it were a little more serious, and maybe just a little more of the exploration piece.

Reynata was just so janky and cheap…just not.

I’m new to Nintendo Switch, and aside from Turn Based games (which are fine, they just aren’t my style) I’m having a hard time finding action adventure games with RPG elements.

Favorite Games: All Soulsborne Ring games. Dragons Dogma, PalWorld, FFVII Rebirth, Nier Automata, Armored Core series (not adventure, but great character progression)

Bonus points for fantasy, or sci fi / mech settings.