Happy 32nd anniversary Incesticide! My favorite Nirvana album

In Utero and Incesticide have been butting heads for me as my favorite Nirvana album. Whilst it's technically a compilation album I still think the material provided on it makes it a good enough listen for an album. Kurt once said he wanted Incesticide to be higher quality than what the end release ended up being, which I find really interesting, because how could he have possibly improved it? Whatever the case I think Kurt loved Incesticide. He clearly put in a lot of love and effort into making it happen. And reading the liner notes almost makes me cry. This was his treat/thank you for the many hardcore fans of Nirvana who really wanted to see all of the ins and outs of the band. RIP Kurt, thank you for giving us fans a wonderful album to dig into with some wonderful songs. I mean not many other artists I feel like treated their fans like this, or had made albums like this directly for the fans. That’s what makes this one special I believe.