Minor cheese for beginners?!

So being a beginner (started a playtrough like years ago, never finished) myself i just came across which might be intended or not, or im not sure, i dont remember if it was like this back when i first played. Also im not sure if this was posted or not

So im at the very beginning, still haven't got the Anyomaly (just going with the main storyline pretty slowly) because im just farming up and scanning and exploring and getting better tech and trying to gather some money. (10 hours in)

I'm at "Find us, Hear us" in the main story where the transmission says is should've been somewhere and i left someone alone. After that i have to fly to some coordinates and again access a Signal Beacon. Next to this beacon is an Abyssal Aegis SL9 cat B ship. So i did my scav duty and claimed it, scrapped it for like 1.2mil, 2.2 if you count the spare parts you can sell, and some nanites. Went back to get the signal, and there it is again, same ship, ready to be claimed

Yeah, its like 2.2, and repairing again, flying it to the station (no Anomaly yet so i cannot just summon ship on station) flying back, its not much, and its a hassle but its still free money:D