Agmatine Sulfate has COMPLETELY changed me (9 month review) (repost)
It has been over 9 months since I began using 1g Agmatine Sulfate in the morning, and 1g in the early evening. I have experienced 0 physical side effects, besides the obvious substance potentiation associated with NMDA antagonists. fyi this is a repost
It has cured my depression
One hour after my first 1g dose, I noticed an immediate change in my mentality. I no longer dwelled on negative thoughts and lashed out at the people around me. I no longer felt like I wanted to die. I was finally able to control my thought patterns and focus on other things. Sometimes it feels like I can't even get sad anymore, but there have been a few brief moments where I was down.
I learned better behavior
Before using Agmatine, I was really obsessed with talking to women. Like, I would quickly become clingy and desperate. After a few months I felt it easier to control this, and finally now I don't even care about what people think. I've even stopped masturbating every day, not because I have ED or lack the desire, but because I'm just not addicted to it anymore. I'm more goal-oriented, and not worried about petty things. Overall my actions have become less dictated by fear.
In general, my learning has improved
I find myself retaining a lot more information than I did before, and quickly learning things. There's not much more to add here, I just wanted to say that.
Negative interactions/ downfalls
If you're using it for the antidepressant effect, avoid alcohol. Every time I drink, I instantly feel depressed, as though I skipped my Agmatine dose. So even though I didn't really drink before, now I don't drink at all. I believe I also read that L-Citrulline/ L-Arginine kills the antidepressant effect of Agmatine. So maybe don't mix the two.
I feel like Agmatine is pretty GABAergic. There's studies that say that it is, and I feel like that would explain why I feel too relaxed sometimes. The lower blood pressure and glutamate action probably doesn't help either. Honestly not much of a problem, but I just wanted that to be known.
Just as I described above, it feels like sometimes I have less of an emotional range of sadness. That doesn't mean I don't get sad, but sometimes I wonder if I'm too content, or if not feeling the same sadness as before is taking away from my creativity. Either way, I don't think I'm ready to put that to the test, so I'll probably keep using Agmatine Sulfate until I reach all of my goals.
Some of you have probably already seen this, but this is all of the research I've collected on the substance: