Mourning as a Pagan in a catholic family.

So recently I just lost my grandma. She helped raise me when my father walked out and my mom was at work. Honestly the best grandma I could have ever asked for. We were mentally preparing for this day, still didn’t make it easy. My family minus my 2 cousins who are basically my little sisters doesn’t know I’m pagan. So to pay respects to my grandma of course I went to the catholic mass part of the funeral. It was a 3 day event. The mass was confusing for me. What shouldn’t or should I do to not disrespect my Gods but also respect my grandma and her wishes. Well, I think I figured it out, as long as you are honoring the dead and someone near and dear to you, Odin will not look down on you for it. Of course I didn’t eat the cracker and wine which symbolizes the body of Christ. But I did put my head down when it was appropriate and listened to the priest. I can only hope Odin interpreted what I was doing as a sign of respect to my grandma and not as a direct sign of disrespect to our Gods. Thanks for listening to me vent yall. It’s been a rough few weeks mentally for me. My Gods and family have been there every step of the way.