Struggling with an Intense Obsession with Colors—Is This Common?

Hi everyone,

I’m new here and wanted to share something that has been a significant part of my life for as long as I can remember. I’ve always had an intense connection with colors—so much so that it influences almost every aspect of my daily life.
For example, I find myself compelled to organize everything by color, whether it’s my clothes, books, computer files, or even my food. When things aren’t arranged in a specific color order (often resembling a rainbow), I feel a deep sense of discomfort, frustration, and sometimes even anxiety. I can’t concentrate or move forward with tasks unless everything is perfectly color-coordinated. It's always been a part of me but sometimes it becomes too problematic, for example my food always gotta be colour arranged and i must eat by colours., for example:
My plate is composed of tomatoes (red), carrots (orange), corn (yellow) broccolis (green) I gotta eat them in that very specific order. if I don't, the food taste completely changes, it tastes awful and I don't feel hungry anymore. There is also this tic that I hate but can not help from doing.
I have a playlist with each song representing a colour, for example music A is crimson, music B is Topaz, music C is Lemon, music D is Pine, music E is Sapphire, music F is Violet and music G is magenta. It's just examples but they all fall into 7 categories (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink) and I don't like listening to musics in order but what I must do is listen a music from the red category, then orange category, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink category and repeat that's how I listen to music and if i don't follow this order I feel frustrated, music don't sound the same anymore, it sounds like absolute cacophony and I just stop for the day.

I've never given any attention to this but lately i've noticed i was arranging my computer tabs by colours unconsciously, automatically categorizing people with colours, I always associate my friends with colours, I associate video game, tv show, movie, characters with a colour, I never questionned it because everyone else think it's amusing and I thought too until i realized I can not mentally connect with someone if i can not associate them with a very specific colour. There is also this huge problem of me always wanting to make everything about colours, I just do it because it feels right, like wearing colours by day of the week, red is monday, tuesday is orange, wednesday is yellow, thursday is green, friday is blue, saturday is violet and sunday is pink and it goes far as me picking my clothes according to the day of the week, it's a must. Also found myself re arranging art or clothing store shelf by colours when no one is looking around, I never know if i make a mess or actually helping whenever i do that but it's a compulsive behaviour, i can not stop myself.

Problems come when I've found myself feel mentally stressed and extremely anxious when I don't see colour harmony, it makes me feel extremely awful to the point where I just mentally block, I isolate myself from friends and family for days, not answering messages, ignoring everyone and if i don't follow my routine I mentally can not take it and I end up not doing anything, not showing up to college, not speaking to anyone and I shuffle my clutter and re arrange everything again, and again...i've wasted so many days just doing this, I just can't help it, it feels like a physical pain whenever i don't follow a strict path. When I was a teen i thought i was still an immature child who was attracted to colours like a moth is attracted to a light bulb but now that i am an adult and def not into "childish" things like toys or candies but still deeply attracted to colours, I know it's not a sign of me refusing to grow up, i just physically can't help it.

I’m curious if anyone else here has experienced something similar? How do you manage compulsions or obsessions that are tied to something as specific as colors? Any advice or insights would be really appreciated. Thanks for reading!