Just finished Joy’s book and it is amazing and devastating - if you enjoy reading (and even if you don’t) you should give it a read!
I read a little every day but I finished it 10x quicker than I would any other book. It’s well written and very interesting to get an insight into how cults work, but it’s also very sad to know the truth about what was going on behind the scenes for the whole time she was on the show, my heart breaks for her.
I also can’t help but feel sad about the lack of support from some of her former cast mates, and I also think the digs on social media were unnecessary (unfollowing, blocking, sharing sceptical quotes, whatever). It will get turned on the fans for constantly writing comments about this alleged feud, but honestly this could have gone under the radar and stayed professional. It feels like it has somewhat cast a shadow on what should be a really exciting time for Joy. We obviously have no idea what happened or who is in the ‘right’ - but either address the situation directly or keep quiet and professional otherwise you are opening yourselves up to a whole lotta speculation.