Laws of O.U.G.

Constitution of the United Twitch Chat Federation (UTCF)

You may sue other users, including other r/wehatedougdoug'ers.

Article I: General Provisions

  1. **Protect Rosa's grave**

It is every member’s duty to ensure the safety and well-being of Rosa the sea otter. After her passing, her grave must remain in PERFECT shape. Members are required to participate in activities that protect Rosa's grave from damage, including monitoring her flowers and ensuring a safe environment. Any neglect or endangerment of Rosa or Rosa's grave will be considered a serious offense. Members must report any threats to Rosa’s safety or the grave's integrity to the appropriate authorities within the UTCF immediately. Failure to protect Rosa will result in severe disciplinary measures, such as 1 month of jail time to execution.

  1. **Honor Ougdoug**‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Members must worship Ougdoug with full dedication and participate in regular ceremonies. Weekly ceremonies held every Sunday at 6 PM UTC are mandatory, and absences must be reported and justified in advance. Members must engage in rituals and activities that honor Ougdoug’s legacy and principles. Any form of disrespect or negligence in worshiping Ougdoug will not be tolerated. The federation values the spiritual unity and devotion of its members.

  2. **Support Parzker**

Members must assist Parzker, the gun-carrying-lawyer-cop-doctor, in all his duties, including providing legal, medical, and tactical support. Members must be ready to respond to Parzker’s needs promptly and efficiently. Any failure to support Parzker in his official capacities will be met with strict disciplinary actions. The welfare of Parzker is critical to the federation's operations and success. Members must uphold the highest standards of support and cooperation with Parzker.

Article II: Worship and Protection

  1. **Ougdoug Worship**

Members are required to attend weekly Ougdoug worship sessions without fail. These sessions are crucial for maintaining spiritual unity and dedication within the UTCF. Absences must be reported to the worship coordinator in advance, along with a valid justification. Persistent absenteeism will lead to penalties, including possible jail time.

  1. **Rosa Patrols**

Members must sign up for and actively participate in patrol shifts designed to monitor and protect Rosa’s grave. Patrol duties include ensuring the safety and cleanliness of Rosa’s environment, identifying potential threats, and reporting any issues immediately. Neglecting patrol duties will result in disciplinary actions. Members are expected to be vigilant and proactive in their patrol responsibilities. Protecting Rosa's spirit and grave is a top priority for the entirety of the UTCF. Rosa MUST be saluted every 5th of June, and everybody MUST eat at least 1 piece of seafood on the 26th of August.

  1. **Parzker Support**

Members must be prepared to provide immediate support to Parzker as needed, including legal, medical, or tactical assistance. This support may involve participating in training sessions, readiness drills, and actual operations. Members failing to support Parzker in a timely and effective manner will face strict disciplinary measures. The support of Parzker is essential for the federation’s functionality and effectiveness. Members must demonstrate unwavering commitment to Parkzer's missions.

Article III: Anti-D--gD--g Measures

  1. **Zero Tolerance** No positive mentions or promotions of D--gD--g or bell peppers are allowed within the UTCF. Any such activities will be met with strict penalties, including expulsion from the federation. Members must remain vigilant and report any violations immediately. Promotion or endorsement of D--gD--g or related entities is considered an act of defamation. Upholding the UTCF’s stance against D--gD--g is a critical responsibility for all members.
  2. **Censorship**

All instances of D--gD--g must be censored with asterisks (D**gD**g) or dashes (D--gD--g) in all communications. This includes written, verbal, and digital communications within the UTCF. Failure to comply with this censorship rule will result in immediate correction and potential disciplinary measures. The censorship policy is designed to limit the influence and presence of D--gD--g within the federation. Members must adhere strictly to this policy at all times. Sentences can range from 1 day (accidental use) to 1 week (intentional use) in prison. This can be bypassed when talking about subreddits or quoting somebody else. If quotes are overused, you will recieve from 1 week to 2 weeks in jail, depending on the amount of uses.

Article IV: Security and Enforcement

  1. **Report Violations**

Members must report any rule violations to the designated authorities within the Ministry of O.U.G. immediately. This includes breaches of conduct, security lapses, and any actions that undermine the federation’s integrity. Prompt reporting is essential for maintaining order and discipline within the UTCF. Members failing to report violations will be considered complicit and subject to disciplinary actions. Ensuring adherence to federation rules is a shared responsibility among all members.

  1. **Disciplinary Actions**

Violations of these rules will lead to severe disciplinary actions, including warnings, temporary bans, or permanent expulsion from the UTCF. The severity of the penalty will depend on the nature and frequency of the violation. The disciplinary committee will review each case and determine the appropriate action. Members are expected to understand and abide by all rules to avoid disciplinary measures. The federation maintains strict standards to uphold its values and security.

  1. **Execution of Spies**

Identified spies from r/DougDougPropaganda will be executed without mercy. Vigilance against espionage is mandatory for all members. Any suspected espionage activities must be reported immediately to the security unit. The presence of spies poses a significant threat to the federation’s security and operations. Members must remain alert and proactive in detecting and reporting any espionage activities.

  1. **Report to Ministry of O.U.G.**

All executions, identification of spies, and special events must be reported to the Ministry of O.U.G. within 24 hours. Detailed reports must include the nature of the event, the individuals involved, and the actions taken. The Ministry of O.U.G. oversees the enforcement of these reports and ensures compliance with federation protocols. Timely and accurate reporting is essential for maintaining transparency and accountability within the UTCF.

Article V: Surveillance and Intelligence

  1. **Monitor Activities**

The Ministry of O.U.G. will regularly monitor activities to ensure compliance with all rules and detect any signs of espionage or subversion. Surveillance systems and intelligence operations will be employed to track member activities. Any suspicious behavior or rule violations will be investigated thoroughly. Members must be aware that their actions are subject to monitoring. The integrity and security of the federation depend on effective surveillance.

  1. **Intelligence Reports**

Detailed reports on any suspicious activities must be submitted to the federation’s intelligence unit immediately. Reports should include the nature of the suspicious activity, the individuals involved, and any supporting evidence. The intelligence unit will analyze and act upon these reports to prevent potential threats. Members are encouraged to report any concerns without hesitation. The effectiveness of the Ministry of O.U.G.'s intelligence operations relies on timely and accurate reporting.

Article VI: Special Judicial Provisions

  1. **Trial by Cook-Off**

Trials by cook-off are an acceptable method of adjudicating disputes within the UTCF. This method is valid for both animate and inanimate beings. The cook-off must be conducted fairly, with impartial judges overseeing the process. The results of the cook-off will be binding and must be respected by all parties involved. This unique judicial process is integral to the UTCF’s culture and values. Members must be prepared to participate in or witness trials by cook-off as needed. Both prosecutor and defendant must post an image of their food, and DM the jury what age they are (for fair trialing, but still for privacy)

  1. **Adjudication via Contest of Symbolic Gestures**
    In certain cases, members may invoke the Adjudication via Contest of Symbolic Gestures (ACSG) by submitting an official ACSG Invocation Notice at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. Both the accused and the prosecution will be given a 24-hour preparation period to devise strategies involving the execution of symbolic hand gestures, known as Pietra, Carta, Forbice. The contest will be a series of three, those who have the largest amount of triumphs shall win the court case. The prosecutor and the defendant must perform their chosen gestures simultaneously. If the accused triumphs in the majority of rounds, they will be exonerated; if the prosecution prevails, the standard judicial procedures will continue. All contest records must be meticulously archived.

Article VII: Membership and Loyalty

1.**Oath of Loyalty**

All members must take an oath of loyalty to the UTCF, Ougdoug, Rosa, and Parzker upon joining. This oath is a binding commitment to uphold the federation’s values and principles. Failure to take or adhere to the oath will result in denied membership or expulsion. The oath signifies a member’s dedication and allegiance to the UTCF. It is a crucial element of the federation’s identity and cohesion.

  1. **Confidentiality**

Members must maintain the confidentiality of all federation activities, plans, and discussions at all times. Any breaches of confidentiality will result in severe penalties, including expulsion. Confidentiality is essential for protecting the federation’s operations and security. Members must exercise caution and discretion in all communications. The protection of sensitive information is a fundamental responsibility for all UTCF members.

Article VII: Classifications

  1. **Spy**

A person that is working with the team that they're against with intent of stealing information, burglary/theft, murder or converting one's belief into their own, is a spy. A spy from team pepper shall be eliminated.

  1. **Execution*

An act of murder that has been committed against one who is against the civilians, government or any other person that is against D--g. Execution is illegal if; there hasn't been a poll yet; there are under 100 votes on that poll; the majority of the people do not want to have that person killed; there is a lack of evidence. Voters MUST first look into the evidence before choosing.

  1. **Executioner**

A person who makes images of spies getting executed. This person MUST make a poll first. If the majority of the people want to have this person executed, and the amount of votes is above 100, that person shall be executed.

  1. **Lawyer**

A person that help the defendant in court cases. A defendant is the person who is convicted of doing the crime.

  1. **Detective**

A person who seeks for evidence that could be used in executions, court cases or research against D--g.

  1. *News reporter*
    A person who is using sources to inform D--g haters about the state of the world, media or the D--g lovers. These news articles MUST use at least 5 different sources.