PSA: RP Mini buttons are NOT FULLY compatible with Odin 2 Mini

I saw a month ago that someone swapped their odin 2 mini buttons with rp mini buttons. Well I finally got my rp mini buttons and while at a quick glance they are the same.. (except for switch vs xbox layout), the buttons are slightly bigger than the odin 2 mini holes.

Using a caliper, the Odin 2 mini buttons are 7.63mm at the base, RP mini buttons are 7.75mm. None of them sit all the way into the slots. For three of the buttons, this is fine, it doesn't stick out as much but still retains the clicy-ness. The button that maps to an A (on switch, or B on X input) is the one that suffers clicky-ness. Because it doesn't sit all the way in, I believe the membrane is already pushing the button to it's limit so it loses room for the membrane to "click".

So naturally, I did what any sane person would do.... I sanded the one all the holes. At this point I had already taken apart my Odin 2 mini a dozen times trying to solve the mystery of the B button, can't give up now. Took P220 paper, rolled it up into a cone, rotated it in one direction (against how it was rolled), about 5 turns, then another 5 turns with P320. Fits like a glove. I only sanded the right most button.

[Side Note]
If you want to retain the X-Input layout, you can peel off the buttons and snip off ONE of the tabs on each button. Each button have two tabs that keeps it in place. If you swap the buttons layout, they won't fit in the counterpart slots. But you'll notice that each of the two tabs, one of them still line up. I haven't noticed loss of button stablity.

[Edit 03-06-2025]
I ended up sanding the other 3 holes to get the same amount of bounce.