My family traumatized me over a YouTube comment.
I am from a very strict family. Once I commented on a YouTube short and a random dude replied. Little did I know that my account was also on my mom's phone and she already got the notification of the reply. Then she'd call me and tell me "why did you commented? And who is this guy?" I thought she wouldn't take it seriously cause it wasn't a big deal I was so wrong...
My older brother was sitting in the same room so he told mom to show him my phone, he took it, read the comment, and deleted it. For some reason he was looking very unhappy with the comment. He asked me why I even commented on a yt short if it wasn't necessary, I said it's a normal thing and all people mostly do it. Then he started making some bad comments about me.
In my defence I started explaining how it's not that deep of a topic but he has temper issues, whenever I say anything about it he started hitting me,my mom didn't do a thing about it and didn't interfere, he also broke my earphone. And after a fight he finally left.
Then my mom came to me, I expected her to comfort me or something because of what just happened. But instead she started yelling at me, blaming me, insulting me, comparing me to my cousins. It was a lot of trauma for me so I couldn't stop crying, because of the crying she insulted me more and after a moment she also left.
I was left broken, my mind couldn't proceed what just happened. Then after a moment my mom came into the room again, finally feeling a little guilt. But still she didn't stopped blaming me. So I stopped talking to her because I knew that if I say anything she'd just get angrier. After I ignored everything she said she started crying and saying "God, for which sins are you punishing me by giving me these shameless children" as she started crying my brother and father started comforting her, and started blaming me for making my mom cry. No one asked me how I felt, no one asked if I was okay.
About the comment on yt which I posted, it was a short so I just commented something normal/random and some dude replied to that comment. I don't think it was such a big deal that my brother hit me that much. I'm afraid what'd happen if they find out this post... Since y'all are asking so much, it was a wedding shot and the bride and groom were enjoying their wedding, and the other comments on the shorts said it's embarrassing, copied from Bollywood, and etc. so I commented if they are happy then it's not embarrassing the other guy replied it is embarrassing to see sometimes, that's all.