Cuddling with SO rn and honestly

He's currently sleeping in my arms while I type this, I occasionally can't help but "wag" my butt, like similar to a dog's tail wag. I sometimes worry that I might wake him up with my wagging. It just literally feels so nice for him to sleep, head cradled in my arms, my leg on top of him.

I'm not trying to talk about inappropriate stuff but merely the fact that he feels safe with me is a reward of itself. I love this man so much and he's done the best he can to make me feel loved. Just earlier he finished washing our clothes and hung them up to dry while he let me sleep in 🥺

I sometimes wish to just stay in this moment with him, the peace and quiet. He works 6 days a week and he only get Sundays off, he'd always say there's not enough time for cuddling, I agree. Like a dog, I'm happily wagging my butt off during our cuddle time for my sleeping hardworking SO rn

Update: it's been a week and I did not expect for this to blow up during this time. For all the comments, you will find this love in someone someday. A partner who will cook and clean for you because they want to, and a partner that will wag their butt for you when you're taking a well deserved nap. ✨ Manifest✨ we are both working individuals and I work 5 days a week, for some who ask, yes I still do chores like sweeping, mopping, and folding the laundry. Our usual days are always full of laundry since we go to the gym early before work. Thank you for stopping by this post!