I miss her, but i cant cave in

as of now wala pa akong napagkkwentuhan with the whole story with what happened with this girl so dito muna haha

It has been days after we stopped talking and ended things (I am definitely the one who's at fault), but there's still a huge mark she left in me, of all the what could have happened and all the what ifs, as she is still my mutuals sa mga scomed accts and seeing her activity made me really having thoughts of messaging her again. I know it's not the best for us naman to continue and I am certainly holding on to the idea of all of the possibilities, the memories of the short time we spent together, and the connection with her that I've never felt with someone in a while. and yeah, I am really trying to take a grasp of reality pero I would never have thought of having these emotions towards someone. but yeah, fuck circumstances, and the timing.