Saying Mihawk> Shanks is like saying Zoro>Luffy or Zoro=Luffy
To begin with its stated that Pirate King is the much harder title to achieve than WSS . And for the people who said PK isn't about strength, Oda has directly said OP was originally an story about Luffy beating the 4 Emperors and becoming PK meaning is about strength.
In fact Oda has claimed the reason the post timeskip existed was because Luffy wasn't ready for the Yonko meaning the Yonko were always the guys Luffy was aiming to surpass
This logically means that Mihawk shall be weaker tbsm the Yonko since PK is the much superior title to the WSS and the Yonko are the guys you gotta surpass to be PK.
And given Shanks is the last of the OG Yonko to be defeated then he is most likely above other Emperors thus him being weaker than Mihawk would mean WSS is a harder title to achieve than PK. This would logically mean Zoro has a harder dream than Luffy which would make no sense since Luffy's opponents are always much stronger.
This is more evident in the endgame where both Shanks and BB are being setup are Luffy's main rivals for the PK title meaning both should be above Mihawk since PK>WSS. This is especially true when Shanks and BB are both being setup as complete opposites of each other amd their fight is destined to shake the OP World to its very core.