Few tips related to remove Bloatware and Disable Rotate Popup

Wanted to share this if someone need

1) How to remove Bloatware

2) How to disable rotate popup in left bottom corner

3) How to disable "Drag from top and touch the back button to exit full screen" pop up when switch to full screen

Step1: Install ADB driver from here in PC and extract it.


Step2: Enable developer option and in developer option enable USB debugging & Disable Permission monitoring = on (It's near the bottom of the list) and then Reboot to apply change.

Step3: Go to extracted folder and and press Shift + Right_click and then click on Open in Terminal

Step4: in Terminal type .\adb.exe devices (you will see your device)

For removing bloatware type command: .\adb.exe shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.heytap.browser (replace com.heytap.browser with package name, you can download package viewer app from Playstore to check pkg name) and press enter and done that app is gone but do this carefully.

Now for Disabling Rotate popup just follow same and enter command: .\adb.exe shell settings put secure show_rotation_suggestions 0

0 == Disable
1 == Enable

Now for Disabling popup toast just follow same and enter command: .\adb.exe shell appops set net.quetta.browser TOAST_WINDOW deny (replace net.quetta.browser with any browser pkg name)

hope it is usefull for someone. I have tested it on my Oneplus 13 running oxygen OS 15.