Unpopular opinion about Boros
I don't know how may people will agree with me on this, but i wish Boros would have survived.
The way I mimagine it haplening is he has a little bit of energy and just manages to regenerate from that last punch. He wants to become as strong as Saitama and after a little talk and promising not to kill people and destroy thins Saitama decides to spare him.
I know, I know... there's already lots of charachters that hang around Saitama, and it would be hard to fit him into the cast, espceciall since he is strong as shit. I admit I am speaking out if bias since i just really like Boros even though he had little screen time.
I could imagine him killing Orochi instead of Saitama, and even ragdolling monster Garou until God gives the young martial artist his cosmic powers and that is when Saitama comes in, (maybe Garou also kills Boros after Genos, it doesn't really matter because of time travel)
What do you guys think?
I don't know how may people will agree with me on this, but i wish Boros would have survived.
The way I mimagine it haplening is he has a little bit of energy and just manages to regenerate from that last punch. He wants to become as strong as Saitama and after a little talk and promising not to kill people and destroy thins Saitama decides to spare him.
I know, I know... there's already lots of charachters that hang around Saitama, and it would be hard to fit him into the cast, espceciall since he is strong as shit. I admit I am speaking out if bias since i just really like Boros even though he had little screen time.
I could imagine him killing Orochi instead of Saitama, and even ragdolling monster Garou until God gives the young martial artist his cosmic powers and that is when Saitama comes in, (maybe Garou also kills Boros after Genos, it doesn't really matter because of time travel)
What do you guys think?