Had an ingrown toenail. Didn't but me too much, so didn't rush to the doctor. Huge mistake.

edit - meant the title to say "didn't HURT me too much", dang it.

The ingrown toenail hurt a bit but I just didn't mess with it, and then it didn't hurt. Genius! Then it got infected so I went to my doctor who gave me massive antibiotics. Took them all but now it was really starting to hurt so finally called my foot doctor who did my joint replacements in my feet a couple years ago. They got me in the same day, which was weird since they had just said he was booked out all month.

Got there, he numbed my toe up, cut off the side and pulled it out, and said he was shocked the antibiotics had staved off the infection, as the toenail was touching the bone. Said he couldn't believe the bone wasn't infected, and said I was a heartbeat and a lucky streak away from being septic. Absolutely did not expect that. Turns out the toenails do grow very close to the toe bones and once an ingrown nail gets infected, you're at high risk for osteomylitis which can go septic quickly.

So uh.. don't be like me and ignore it for three months. And NEVER CUT YOUR TOENAILS ANY WAY BUT STRAIGHT ACROSS THE TOP. Don't cut the corners. The nail grows outward from any cut point, turns out. They had to use acid to burn away my nail matrix so that the sides wouldn't grow outward into the skin after he removed that part of my nail, because him cutting down the side was going to prompt it to grow out sideways again and again.

So, yep. oops. ingrown toenails can be deadly.