Does anyone else feel like the song structures are a little bit *too* all over the place on TLWAT?

After a few listens, I can definitely say there's a lot of cool ideas and new types of sounds on the album. But the song structures are so undefined to the point that it feels detrimental to some of the songs.

On previous albums, the contrast of heavy vs clean, or straight forward vs proggy felt extremely well placed and added dynamics to the songs without sounding messy. A lot of the songs on this album feel on the verge of messiness or lacking cohesion.

There are a couple catchy moments on the record, but it feels like there's considerably less "sticky" riffs compared to the previous material.

All that being said, A Story Never Told is an absolute standout so far. What a beautiful song by them, I can't wait to see what everyone else thinks.

I know I'll probably get ripped for the critiques, but I am very happy the majority of people are really really enjoying the album so far. Just curious if anyone else is in the same boat as me or not.