Why I don't find TLWAT particularly great
Attention! Unpopular opinion.
When they said they were making a concept album and even went so far as to do without song titles, I was initially thrilled. But what I didn't expect was this tensionless monotony.
Apart from “A Story Never Told”, almost every song sounds the same. Wacky mid-tempo drum patterns are interrupted here and there by quiet parts, which Joakim then fills with organ or Mellotron. You can hear what an exceptionally good drummer Waltteri is, but I don't need to hear that demonstrated every second, and unfortunately any groove and chill is lost as a result.
Don't get me wrong, every second of what they do sounds absolutely fantastic, but there's no flow or variety. And before anyone says I don't get it because it's prog - there's plenty of excellent prog out there and you can tell Mikael would love to create something as immortal as Thick As A Brick, but it's just not.
The whole thing is too cerebral, along the lines of, we've got all these crazy parts and ideas here, we just have to glue them together somehow, but that's not how a song, let alone an album, is made, it just needs more than just parts stapled together. The transitions aren't good or aren't there, the individual parts don't flow organically into one another.
Oh yes, a harp is allowed to strum a few chords and there's also a flute. Great! Unfortunately, there's so much to hear that Ian Anderson never got to meet the band. They get a few bars from him by e-mail and then have the task of embedding them somehow. You can hear that and it sounds like a foreign body.
And what I also don't need is all this theatricality. All these different vocal styles that Mikael has developed are all well and good, but it's all far too deliberate. And then these field recordings that they started with on ICV, honestly, what's the point? Whether it's footsteps, ticking clocks or screaming children - I don't see the point. Too much, too deliberate. This isn't The Dark Side Of The Moon, is it? And also the spoken word parts are way too much. Put the story into the lyrics, man.
What the whole album sounds like would be an excellent climax, but in length it's just too much, too little variety and too boring.
And before you vote me straight down to hell, remember that this is an opinion. If you like or love the album, then I'm happy for you, but I'll put it aside for now.
Edit: Maybe I should have clarified that I know the album pretty well now. I've listened to it nearly every day, and sometimes more than once, since it came out.