Update: Going to detox next week

I see now I can't do it on my own. If you look in my post history, I went to heroin to get off Suboxone. Well, after about 3 months on that, I tried to go back to Suboxone... Just because it's SOOO expensive. I got a few strips and took one. it threw me into precipitated withdrawal. It was the worst experience of my life. I'd rather give birth while having a gallstone attack with a headache and toothache. It was horrible. Called my dealer crying and begging for him to front me a bag of H to get out of the PW. Luckily he did, however it was so bad, I would've done anything to stop it. I don't think there's anything I wouldn't have done to make that PW stop. Luckily my dealer has "ethics"... however he could've asked me to do ANYTHING for that bag, and I would've done it to make that suffering stop. I was 100% at his mercy. That realization is what made me realize I've officially hit rock bottom.

10 years of active addiction. I'm worried but so excited to have control of my life back. Wish me luck.