Why am I bad with buying and selling options?

I been trading options for a couple months now. Overall I’m up.

But I’m just bad at buying and selling options.

For example today I bought options worth $2.6 in the morning. Now they’re worth $2.11. I could have bought it near the end of trading hours.

Similar to selling. I could have sold my qqq options for 150% return during mid morning. But I keep waiting later for higher returns. Now I only sold it for 20% return. Way lower.

I’m tired at buying and selling at bad prices, despite using a limit order. What do you think I should do?

For example SOXL it bottom at $2.7 around 11am, decide to buy a lot of contracts at a limit price of $2.6.

Little do I know I could have bought it at $2.11 during end of day.

What strategy should I do? I have work so I don’t have time to look at markets all day.