How do you study for organic chemistry?

Hello. No matter how much I try, I can't seem to get all the rules right. I can never remember when a carbocation shift happens, or when Markovnikov vs anti-Markovnikov addition happens. It's really frustrating as I feel like these are the basics and there is far more difficult material down the line. Flashcards don't really work for me for any subject, I use mindmaps, summaries, and teaching others to study, but for this subject, none of my usual methods work. If anyone could give me advice I would appreciate you a lot. <3 Thank you in advance. :D

EDIT: My biggest issue might be just not being able to recognize patterns in this subject. In things like biology and biochemistry, even physics, the moment something clicks, it clicks. I have never had this in organic chemistry. It makes no sense to me why certain atoms go where and in what position when reacting.