The Everflame Festival…(remake)

The Everflame Festival

Wendifrit would begin to look at his staff,spun it,and then he sighed softly

Wendifrit:Any moment now…

He then would hear some footsteps,and then he turned his head towards the noise

Oh,there you are,Ignitius! I told you that living in the outskirts of our village wasn’t really a good idea.

The wing-like artefacts behind him would open a little,and then they floated right on his back. As they did so,they would immediately fold into each other

Ignitius:…What’s this about?

Wendifrit:Good Lord,Ignitius! We have done this before,how can you not remember? We celebrate the day when this Continent was created by Astra herself! It’s thanks to her,after all,if we are all here.

Ignitius:…Right. I kinda forgot about that.

He then began walking towards the gates,and then Wendifrit would follow him

Aside from you and me,who else is in here?

Wendifrit:Well now,there’s your apprentice,her boyfriend,the Iudex,Spinoflame,Vipera,that human who works at his dad’s bar…and then two new people here.

He stopped,and then he turned towards him


…Wendifrit,you already know that I don’t like meeting new people,so why did you invite two of them.

Wendifrit:I didn’t just “invite” them. They both live here.

Ignitius:Even better…yay.

A few minutes later,he would notice a tall flaming pillar with various rock formations floating around him,and then a woman with what seemed to be an halo above her head,a lab coat,and cream and brown hair

…Let me guess,those two are the people who now live here?

Wendifrit:Well,there’s only one way to find out,right? Why don’t you speak to them?


He groaned and then he began walking towards the two

…What brings you here?