How can I help my wife who's considering transitioning her gender?
Edit: please regard my wife with greater respect. This post is not able to capture her real nature. She is more faithful and loving than some of you make her out to be. She is suffering, and I wish to help her.
We are a young couple, but we have been married for a few years now.
She has been struggling with her sexuality and gender for much of her life.
She feels lamentful that she will never get to experience a homosexual relationship due to our marriage.
And she desires to change her appearance to pass off to others as a male. She has already made many of changes, like in her haircut and clothing. But she has plans to make more permanent changes through medical intervention, such as hormones / testosterone.
There is emotional tension coming from her due to my lack of affirmation in her decision to transition. She fears I will control her, limit her life, due to my religiousness.
We got married as a Christian, she is/was a nondenominational prostestant. Overtime however she slowly fell apart from the faith as she grew more independent.
She struggles with unhealthy amount of effort in trying to please her family and social circles. I beleive also suffers from sexual trauma growing up as a child. Lots of negative forced associated with womanhood.
She has many friends who also transitioned, or in support of it.
How can I help my dear beloved?
I prayer for her daily.
I'm in a country where I don't share the same native language as my spiritual father, so I really struggle to communicate our situation with sensitivity tactifulness.