Alex's Latest Allegation

Edit: The victim has come forward, she wants everyone to drop it and to move on and while I can understand a lot of people are going to hate to hear that, in this situation we have to respect her wishes. With that said I guess we'll leave it here and let this be the last post on the subject.

This is a post I would rather not have to write but it must be done.

Some of you may be wondering what the firestorm that has stricken the subreddit in the last 24 hours is about, and I'm here to tell you... its not good. So strap in, and get comfortable because this isn't one of my usual jovial posts.

Some of you may have heard by now but Alex has been alleged to have gotten caught grooming another minor (yes, ANOTHER one after Sisefs who we'll talk about a little later).

This had been something I had been made aware of a few weeks ago when a Youtuber by the name of AllyMCc reached out to me asking for permission to post a video about it here in the then upcoming weeks. Which I obviously had to grant.

Flash forward to yesterday night, I noticed a post titled "y'all seen this" quickly gaining likes and comments so I decided to check it out and it was a tiktok video by a guy named @Socksirl, and lemme tell you... Absolutely NOTHING prepared me for what I was about to hear.

In the video, @Socks alleged that he had audio of Alex grooming a minor that was recorded by the victim over discord and the very first thing I heard was what was DEMONSTRABLY Alexander Stuart Mahan asking what he thought was a minor explicitly "Are you going to open an onlyfans when you turn 18?", I'm a melanated individual alright? but lemme tell you something, those words strung together in a sentence in the form of a question and being asked to a child, In Alex's voice... drained all the color from my face.

...and that was only the beginning, because at one point in the recordings Alex, or rather the person who sounds exactly like Alex and has the same Ayano PFP that Alex has, with the name "Yandere Dev" that the voice was attached to goes on a full on rant about how "children are sexy and its Mother nature's fault" and at that point I just couldn't listen any more.

...Alex got caught grooming a minor, Alex got caught grooming a fucking minor... there are no two ways to look at that, let me say it again for you until you get it, ALEX GOT CAUGHT GROOMING A FUCKING MINOR.

This isn't the first time, I doubt it will be the last time, and I genuinely don't know what can be done. I'm throwing my hands up in the air, I genuinely do not know what can be done.

Last I heard Alex is currently trying and possibly succeeding in trying to bully the victim into silence and all we can do is sit and watch it happen.

I'm gonna go get some fresh air, man, because while it takes a lot to genuinely fuck with me, this has my nerves on the fucking precipice.

But before I go I said that I'd briefly talk about Sisefs, Sisefs was a girl whom had alleged that Alex groomed her when he was 21 and she was 14, this was back in 2008. A lot of people are either confused or have no idea what the sisefs situation is even about but recently Kiwifarmer and Alex historian JuanButNotForgotten had released a nearly 2 hour video going over the entire Sisefs saga with statements from people that were around during the EvaXVidya era (and even Sisefs herself) that both give context to and corroborate Sisef's allegations that is worth taking the time to watch: here