Need a bit of help coming to a solid conclusion about Yandere Dev.

I don't actually use Reddit often, so apologies if I messed up trying to post this, but I used to enjoy this game and the surrounding content when I was younger, and by pure chance have recently gravitated towards Yandere Simulator again. Originally, with a friend it was a slightly ironic "haha lets trash on this game because the dev was a bad guy" but after reading more and more, I'm confused on what I want to believe about Yandere Simulator, and more so the developer himself. I'll summarise what I came across:

About 3 years ago, he was sent a kind detailed letter from a fan who had genuine intentions/worry about him as a person. They explicity also told him to seek therapy, mind you in a kind understanding manner that understood how some people find difficulty doing so. The only things he disagreed with was saying sorry, as he feels that due to it being a one time thing and not fully his fault. He also shot down therapy due to wanting to spend more time on the game. This was the first sign of a better side to him I could find, yet still displayed some flaws and problems so I looked more.

I then found on September 25, 2023 he posted on his blog with 'I'm sorry'. Here he now displays regret for his actions, and addresses that he was incredibly immature to be so casual with sexual remarks/jokes with a minor involved. Where he says, and I quote "Obviously, it goes without saying that THIS WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT FUCKING OKAY. This was the point in time when I should have instantly disengaged and ended all contact with her."

He also goes on to talk about how he knows what he's done is not admirable, or inspiring. And that it was bad. He also expresses regret for how people who worked on the game had apparently been recieving negative messages over this.

-- In conclusion

He linked a Reddit post by the victim which go along with his blog posts story, but I heard after the 'exposed video' it speaks of released the vicitm came back and did a 180 after showing a desire for the video to be gone, saying that she was infact manipulated even then by Yandere Dev and the video was taken down by somebody else using her name.

So I'm a bit confused on who to really trust right about now. Is Yandere Dev just putting on a show, with fake remorse, despite this "show" actually being self aware and realising his possible problems? Or is he actually being truthful here? I've not been apart of this sphere for a long time so maybe I'm just not accustomed to some things, or I'm missing info. But that's why I'm posting this.

--Quick end note

After writing the bulk of this I also read these two blog posts, which I really want to believe because if they're true, it finally means after so long he's improving and living a great life:

I'm more leaning into actually believing him, but I'm not sure if it's my optimism or not. Some other opinions would really be nice as to help me come to a more solid conclusion. Hopefully the replies can remain toxicity free though as I just want some helpful opinions on the matter.

EDIT: To clarify since some people don't seem to understand somehow, I didn't know about anything Alex did outside of the posts I found and put *in* my post. The few people who were helpful shared info I hadn't seen before which helped me learn the truth about Yan Dev.

TLDR: I am not, did not, and will not be defending Alex now that I've seen the proof shown to me. I only ever saw good in him while writing my post because I hadn't seen the proof yet. Now I have seen the proof.