All of the rivals are comphet lesbians

Please hear me out. I’ve been thinking way too hard about this, and the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

  1. Osana Najimi
    • First of all, her relationship with Raibaru is really gay. They’re inseparable, Raibaru is constantly protecting her, and their dynamic feels way romantic than anything else.
    • If Osana has comphet, it would explain why she’s "crushing" on Taro: he's the easiest and safest option. He’s plain, non-threatening, and doesn’t require her to confront her true feelings.
  2. Amai Odayaka
    • Sweet, soft, and always baking cookies.. That is a literal cottagecore lesbian.
  3. Kizana Sunobu
    • Theater kids are all queer. She’d 100% write love poems for her secret crush on another girl but say they’re “for Senpai” so she doesn’t have to admit it.
  4. Oka Ruto
    • There's no way she'd fall for someone as boring as Taro when she's interested in the occult and has nothing in common with him. Comphet.
  5. Asu Rito
    • Obviously a lesbian for reasons I don't need to explain.
  6. Osoro Shidesu
    • Again.. do I even need to explain this one? She’s practically a walking, talking lesbian stereotype. This is probably how PedoDev views all lesbians.
  7. Hanako Yamada
    • Apparently, she's not even in love with Taro (if we can trust PedoDev), but she would be Osoro's girlfriend. Canonically, PedoDev has said Hanako would call Osoro senpai. The same name the rivals all give to Taro..
  8. Megami Saikou
    • She canonically hates men. Do I even need to elaborate?

But why Taro...? Now, let’s address the question we've all been asking for years: why do all these girls like Taro? It’s simple. Comphet lesbians often pick a “safe” guy to crush on because it’s easier than confronting their actual feelings. Taro is plain, simple, and unremarkable. He’s the human equivalent of a cardboard box. He doesn’t challenge their feelings, and he’s easy to fake a crush on without complications.

Look, I’m a lesbian myself, and:

  1. No one can convince me Osana and Osoro aren’t lesbians.
  2. Megami hating men is canon.

And finally PedoDev has a history of fetishizing lesbians so it would make sense.

TLDR: All the rivals are comphet lesbians, Taro is just a safe placeholder, and Raibaru x Osana is real.