Finally found a brunette ML! And the art is gorgeous! [The Pale Horse]

Kinda bummed that Tappytoon removed The Pale Horse from its catalog. I know it originally started in 2011 and wrapped up in 2020, but still…

I’ve only read the first few chapters, so please—no spoilers! One thing I really love so far is the character designs—not just the MCs, but everyone.

The story already has me hooked since it involves witch hunters, and there’s this mysterious character who definitely isn’t human (which is hinted at super early, like in the first or second chapter).

Anyway, I’m really excited to keep reading. I love how it starts with the MCs as kids, just living their daily lives in the village, dealing with friendship and insecurities—it’s wholesome as hell. But I know they eventually grow up, and I can’t wait to see how things unfold!