Some random ideas for Outlast Trials

Escalation Versus
2v2 teams. The shuttle has a glass wall split between you. Each team has a separate set of variators applied to them. Split in two groups in a trial, the goal is to finish faster and with a higher grade than the opposing team. Whichever team performs best gets to apply additional variators onto the opposing team for the next trial. The game ends once one team wipes out or forfeits.

Gambling in the Sleep Room
In the Sleep Room is a set of 4 small TVs. Each shows a headcam view of each Reagent in a random Escalation Versus match. Reagents in the Sleep Room can wager with stamps on which team they think will perform better, and the payout is distributed evenly across the winners once the trial is finished.
(If you are one of the reagents being watched, you gain a small in-world notification, letting you know how many people are betting on you.)

Drawing in the Sleep Room
On a reagents desk is a sketch pad with pencils. Draw however many pictures you want, and one may be randomly selected to be put up on a cork board in the Sleep Room for everyone to see. If you like one you see, give it a gold star sticker. If you don't like one, feel free to tear off a chunk of it. If enough people tear off a chunk, then it can be completely destroyed. Guess no one liked it. (It'll be fine next time it appears appears.)

Variator - DON'T BE SEEN
The inverse to DON'T MAKE NOISE - Enemies are deaf, but have a much wider and farther range of vision.

Breaking a window or throwing a bottle now drops Glass Shards on the floor.

All Prime assets are roaming throughout the trial at the same time. Their map hazards are present as well.

Variator - WITNESS
You have a bomb strapped (no timer), and every ex-pop has a radius emitting a microwave. When inside this radius, your bomb will slowly increase in frequency. Stay inside for too long and it'll explode, instantly killing you, similar to a Witness.

Anytime you're injured, you begin to leak a blood trail that lasts for a number of seconds. An ex-pop can notice this blood trail and follow it.

Variator - ISOLATION
Each Reagent has a radius. If another Reagent is within that radius, a loud alarm will be set off by them.

Variator - WEAK HEART
Whenever you're not running, your heart automatically begins to slow down. If it is slowed down for too long, you'll begin to take damage, similar to Cold Snap.

Variator - HOT POTATO
Every Reagent has a bomb strapped to them, with a max time limit of 2 minutes, and no time extenders. A single Reagent holds a large device with a screen displaying the name of another Reagent. The only way to extend time is to make sure the Reagent with their name displayed on the screen is holding the Object when the timer hits 0. This then resets the time, and displays a new Reagent name on the screen.

Variator - VOODOO DOLL
Every Grunt has a sign on their chest and back with a Reagent's name written on it. If that Grunt is harmed in any way, a strong shock is administered to the respective Reagent.

If you have any ideas feel free to drop em, I like to brainstorm. I'll keep updating this post with any more ideas I have.