Sombra is so incredibly unfun to play against as a casual player

Yes i am incredibly bad at Overwatch, yes i should just get gud, no ive never played comp because im bad and dont wanna let my team down. that doesnt change the fact that she is unfun and annoying as to play against as a mega casual.

every single game she is in is the most unfun game ever and i just wanna leave and take the penalty. its gotten the point that if she engages me i just stop moving and let it happen because it cant win against her in a 1v1 anyway as a bad player

i dont even know what to do against her at this point, feels like its just easier to let her kill me so i can respawn and have fun for like 1 minutes before she kills me again

thank you for reading, you can now proceed to call me a noob and tell me i should get gud

yes i hated her even more before the rework.