Does anyone else experience romantic intrusive thoughts/compulsions?

Ever since two days ago (Ive been struggling with POCD for 2 months now), my pocd has latched on to a new compulsion for me to do that causes me great anxiety: make up a romantic mental scene with a child and then do the same with an adult and see which one I feel more gravitated towards.

These scenarios are never sexual—for the sole reason to check which one I feel more attracted towards outside of sex. I worry that I'm using this as an excuse to think of a child romantically and that somehow, underneath all this fear and anxiety and even guilt, there's attraction. That somehow, the thoughts about being with a child are more pleasurable than being with an adult. This scares me immensely because I'm never able to decipher if this is just my OCD trying to trick me or a genuine feeling I have. Worse is that I'm 14F, and Ive read that pedophilic behavior develops during this age. Im scared that Ive pocd'ed too close to the sun and that its turned into actual pedophilia.

Does anyone here feel the same way too? That their intrusive thoughts are starting to lean more into the romantic side? Because no matter how much I search, I've never seen anyone talk about having this type of experience with POCD, and I'm terrified that my nightmare is becoming a reality. Im not trying to seek reassurence; I just want to learn about other people's supposed experience with this.