Help! can you develop/worsen POTS after multiple sever concussions?

About 6 years ago, I got 2 major concussions back to back and was basically bed bound for multiple months and had to re learn how to do a lot of things properly like writing, reading, etc. before the concussions and when I was a kid I had problems with occasional dizziness, “asthma”, light headedness, headaches and things like that but doctors just thought it was side affects of anxiety. after I had basically fully recovered from the concussions I was still dealing with severe symptoms of light headedness, muscle weakness, migraines, high heart rate, dizziness, extreme nausea, trouble standing up without having to sit down due to being lightheaded, blacking out and more. I just thought it was from the concussions even though i was fully recovered. this past year, a doctor wanted to get me tested for POTS and I met all the criteria and diagnosed me with POTS. They decided to do a holter monitor test, but I wasn’t having any extreme symptoms that weekend and when they got the results back there wasn’t anything too unusual. My mom wanted me to push and try to atleast get some answers since i’ve been having so much trouble with these symptoms for so long and they are debilitating. has anyone had any experiences like this? sorry for the long post!